NEOHCED Holds Entrepreneur of the Year Awards Gala at CentroVilla25

The Northeast Ohio Center for Economic Development (NEOHCED) held its Awards Gala on Friday, March 31, 2023 at the venue of CentroVilla25.
Some 350 business persons and sponsors attended “Entrpreneur of the Year” awards gala. Pulpo Beer, Barbería Caché, and Lorraine Vega, and José Feliciano, CentroVilla25 Co-Chairs were honored.
Lorraine Vega is a retired corporate philanthropy and senior leader at the KeyBank Foundation. José Feliciano is the Chairman of the Hispanic Roundtable and a retired partner at the international law firm of Baker Hostetler.
Those present were briefed on the plans, vision, and fundraising of CentroVilla25, which embodies the long- cultivated, collective vision for a vibrant, authentic, and inclusive Latino cultural district in the heart of Clark- Fulton neighborhood that will serve both as an anchor and a magnet. The CentroVilla25 is the largest and most significant Hispanic economic development and community development project in the history of the Hispanic community.
José Feliciano said that the celebration was n Agincourt moment (a reference to the speech of young King Henry V in 1415 before the historic defeat of France by England at Normandy). In the future when this area is like Little Italy, or Slavic village, “Those who are here will be able to tell their grandchildren they were here, those who are not will wish they had been here.”
NEOOHCED is the Premier organization within the Latino community, leading economic, business, and community development efforts. The president and CEO is Jenice Contreras.
PHOTO: Left to right, José Feliciano, Jenice Contreras, and Lorraine Vega.
For more information about the Northeast Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development, visit or about CentroVilla25, visit